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Driving Tips - Guerin
How to calculate cost of travel by car
How to calculate cost of travel by car? With Guerin, there are no impossibles. Buckle up and get ready for the best tips for saving money on a road trip. Discover for yourself the benefits of putting them into practice.
How to calculate cost of travel by car: 6 must-know tips
Calculating the costs of a road trip is much simpler than you might think. And, contrary to what you think, it doesn't sacrifice your comfort. Get to know the best tips now.
1 - Renting a car
Have you ever thought about the expenses involved in the revision and maintenance of your car before going on vacation? What if something unexpected comes up, with unexpected expenses? When you rent a car with Guerin, there are no unforeseen expenses. In addition to the tabulated prices, you can choose the car that best suits your adventure, from Guerin's vast fleet. It's all about the benefits!

2 - Keep the speed constant
In terms of spending, fickle speed is your worst enemy. Aim to maintain a constant and preferably high speed. Very low revs can be detrimental to engine life. If you want to save money, the recommended speed is 80 km/h.

3 - Choosing the best schedule
Choose the time your trip starts carefully. Traveling in traffic, besides being extremely stressful, can make your trip more expensive. Constant stop-and-go greatly increases fuel consumption. Before you set off, always check on the apps created for this purpose, the state of the roads you will pass and the most viable alternatives.

4 - Turning on the air conditioning
The myth about running the air conditioning consuming more than open windows is no longer credible. At speeds above 60 km/h, air conditioning does not have much effect on engine power. In other words, if you drive with the windows closed, your car will reduce its friction with the air. So you don't need to increase engine power and you can save fuel.

5 - Take only what is necessary
The heavier the car, the higher the fuel consumption. That's why, when packing, you should take stock of what you really need. Ideally, everything should fit inside the vehicle. Adding, for example, a roof box increases aerodynamic drag. It makes the vehicle taller and hinders the passage of wind.

6 - Take snacks
For those traveling with children, this tip is extremely important. You can save a lot of money if you have a snack on hand every time your little ones get hungry. This saves you time, as you avoid unnecessary stops, and money. Buying snacks at a gas station is more expensive than bringing them from home.

Adventure with Guerin
Whatever your adventure, you know the right company. Guerin, of course. Choose the rental car from Guerin's vast fleet that best suits your adventure and wait no longer. Go with Guerin and the best tips.