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Driving Tips - Guerin
7 tips on how to be a good driver
7 tips on how to be a good driver
The biggest cause of road accidents is human error - more than 90% of road accidents are caused by driver misbehavior. It is therefore important to ensure that you follow the best practices of a good driver to ensure safety on the road for yourself and others.
To help you, we've put together some tips for you that will help you to be a good driver and master driving on Portuguese roads without any problems!
How to be a good driver: follow these tips!
1. Drive Unhurriedly
Speeding is an unnecessary risk. When driving at excessive speed, one of the consequences is a loss of reaction time when something unforeseen happens, and this is something to keep in mind while driving, especially in towns. Human involvement always increases the propensity for accidents and unforeseen events, but driving too fast greatly increases the risk of an accident.
Crashing a car at 150 km/h is not the same as crashing at 50 km/h, so it is crucial to observe the speed limits inside and outside towns. Too much haste is the enemy of perfection, and may also result in an inconvenient speeding ticket, not to mention a serious accident. One advantage of driving at a controlled speed is that it allows you to get more out of your fuel tank. To do this, you should maintain a steady speed, not accelerate to escape red lights or brake or turn sharply.
2. Make Room for Other Drivers
Being a good driver is not limited to driving. Behaving in a civil manner on the road when interacting with others is also good practice as a driver. Giving way or giving other drivers room to manoeuvre is a great example of the way things should be done. No one wants to waste time or take the place of others, we all simply want to reach our destination. This way, the driving experience itself becomes more relaxing for everyone inside and outside the vehicle.
3. Eyes on the Road
You already know that you must not drive while using your mobile phone, but there are many other distractions that can cause accidents that are not discussed as often as mobile phones or alcohol. You should not, for example, eat, fiddle with the radio or put on makeup while driving. You should always be alert and aware of what is going on around you, as a few seconds are sufficient for you not to have enough reaction time to avoid an accident.
Avoiding alcohol before driving is one of the recurring maxims, but it never hurts to remind ourselves. Alcohol slows us down, worsens our vision, our spatial perception, and makes us more impulsive - all these factors increase the likelihood of an accident.
If you feel tired or sleepy, the scenario changes as, even if you are trying to stay alert and focused, your brain and eyes need rest. In these circumstances, it is best to take a break and rest, returning to the road only when you feel in a position to do so.

4. A good driver keeps the distance
A good driver maintains a safety distance as far as possible so that, in the event of the vehicle in front stopping suddenly or getting into difficulties, there is enough time to react. Even if you are travelling at a low speed, colliding with another car can cost you hundreds of euros and a lot of paperwork and wasted time, so do your best to avoid these situations.
5. Use Light Signals
Light signals should not be ignored as they are the most effective way for vehicles to communicate with each other while driving on the road. With them we can express our intentions and help other drivers avoid accidents and maintain the stability of their driving - without being forced to guess what we are going to do next.
6. Keeping Calm is Essential
You do not have to spend a lot of time behind the wheel to realise that the drivers around us often make mistakes. However, losing your temper is not the solution, as making mistakes is human, and if we behave aggressively we may create many problems that are perfectly avoidable and unnecessary.
Aggressive driving also reduces the useful life of vehicles considerably. Driver behaviour, such as idling or excessively fast driving, sharp cornering, sudden braking and unlawful conduct end up compromising the quality and longevity of vehicles.
7. Ensure Your and Your Family’s Safety
It can never be overly repeated that both a good driver, as well as all the passengers, must wear seat belts. For children or infants, use a car seat most appropriate to their age and size. If you have four-legged friends, there are safety belts designed for them or even carriers to make sure they do not get in the way while driving.

Being a good driver is easier with Guerin!
Now that you know all the tips on how to be a good driver, it's time to rent your vehicle with Guerin! Discover our complete fleet and also our extras, which give you additional help in your driving.