Guerin® Blog
Driving safety: 10 tips to achieve it
Driving safety is essentially focused on the driver's ability to predict, act and prevent an action that could lead to a road accident. The weather condition, the condition of the vehicle, the traffic lane and the behavior of other cars and/or pedestrians can change everything, especially in the event of an accident.
With these issues, the driver must always adapt his driving mode to avoid accidents and protect himself and others. In this way, Guerin presents the best tips that guarantee you a successful driving safety.
Discover the 10 tips for driving safety
1. Concentration
Concentration is one of the key points of driving! For a worry-free journey, you should avoid distractions such as your cell phone, chatting with other passengers and checking your GPS on the move. For driving safety purposes, it's important to keep your full concentration on the road and on any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.
2. Get ahead of dangerous situations
To avoid catastrophic results on the road, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings, from traffic rules to the movement of other vehicles and pedestrians. For this, it’s important to anticipate and act accordingly in the situation, so that nothing goes wrong.
3. Pay attention to other road users
4. Signaling
Signaling is essential for driving safely, as well as mandatory, according to the law. Regardless of the direction you take on your travels, it’s important to signal the intention of the path you are going to take with your vehicle, so that other drivers can take the precautionary attitude to avoid any accident.
5. Safety distance
Safety distance is a crucial factor in preventing road accidents, which promote driving safety. By keeping a safe distance from other vehicles, you can anticipate accidents with a high probability. This safety distance depends on the driver's speed, reaction distance and braking distance.
6. Adapt driving to the weather conditions
Weather conditions are not always the same, and are often unpredictable, which makes our driving somewhat risky and subject to different situations. To do this, you must maintain a defensive and predictable driving style, whether on sunny, rainy, snowy or foggy days. Keep a cautious profile, and drive carefully to keep pedestrians, passengers and other drivers safe.
7. Emotional state
The psychological state of the driver can seriously affect driving on the road, which can have serious consequences for pedestrians, passengers and other drivers. Anxiety, sleep deprivation, irritability or tiredness are a major obstacle to driving safety because they reflection poor judgement decision.
8. Using the rear-view mirrors
Rear-view mirrors are a mandatory feature of all vehicles, which help a lot in preventing unforeseen events. It is important to be aware of what surrounds us, but it is also essential to take advantage of the tools that the vehicle provides us, which is the case of the rear-view mirrors. You’ll have access to a redoubled view, regarding the side and rear of the car.
9. Pay attention to your blind spot
The blind spot is largely responsible for road accidents. When changing lanes, this angle must always be considered, so that defensive driving can be implemented in the healthiest way possible.
10. Ability to make practical decisions
Finally, the ability to make decisions is vital for driving safety purposes. It is necessary to make difficult but practical decisions so that we can act in agreement with what surrounds us. The most appropriate thing to do is to respect the law and carefully evaluate the entire scenario in which we are included!