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Best Portuguese wines: discovering the wine regions

With land that is suited to a wide variety of wines, almost 200,000 hectares of vines are cultivated every year in Portugal. And holiday plans are increasingly opting for the regions that are home to some of the best Portuguese wines. Would you like to get to know them? Let this authentic journey of flavours guide you. 

From the coast to the interior: where the best Portuguese wines are born

From the plains of the south to the more mountainous regions of the centre and north, not forgetting the coastal areas and even the islands, Portugal is privileged to be the origin of many world-renowned wines.  

And in the shadow of some of the best Portuguese wines, wine tourism has grown with more hotels and activities on offer and an increase in demand throughout most of the year. For wine connoisseurs or lovers of good rural or ecotourism, seeking tranquility and the comfort of the countryside, we've compiled some of the locations not to be missed. 

best portuguese wines: douro river at sunset

Douro demarcated region 

The specificity of each soil and climate, the expression of each grape variety, the tradition of each people and the talent of each producer are at the origin of the creation of great wines. And the Douro will always be present when we talk about the best Portuguese wines. 
From reds to whites, rosés to sparkling wines and brandies, the most varied nectars are enjoyed at the table, accompanied by good food and spirited conversation. Whether it's a long-term holiday, a family weekend or a trip with no certain destination, the Douro is always one of our favourites. 
 Many centuries-old estates offer accommodation packages with tastings of both the local cuisine and the house wines. And we are increasingly seeing the growth of activities ranging from boat trips, to guided tours - which tell the stories of the vineyards, to the most beautiful museums and viewpoints awaiting your visit. Why not hire a car with Guerin and explore one of the best scenic drives in Portugal first hand? We're talking about National 222, in the heart of the Douro region. 

The plains of Alentejo  

The tranquillity of the Alentejo, with its well-preserved Roman and Arab presence between the walls of its cities, which seem to be the only ones to bear witness to the passage of time in that region, also hides some of the best Portuguese wines.  
The mild temperatures throughout the year and the hot, dry lands during the summer have contributed to many investors focusing on the Alentejo for wine production, which has resulted in the emergence of some of the most internationally recognised wines.

But this region deserves all the attention you can give it. It has centuries-old traditions, such as the famous Vinho da Talha, which opens its doors to tell visitors all about the production process. It has the chilling cante alentejano lurking around every corner and the flavours of the land that sit at the table with you to give you a little more insight into popular wisdom.

With its long straights that invite you to take a pleasant stroll, take advantage of our cars to hire to explore the region's golden plains. Part of the National Road 2 passes through here, taking you from Ervidel to Aljustrel, from Castro Verde to Almodôvar, on a dream journey. The homesteads have been transformed into cosy rural hotels that frame the serenity of the Alentejo for a dream holiday, with a series of experiences that you'll remember for a lifetime. 

alentejo vineyard

In the lands of Dão

There are only three demarcated wine brandy regions in the world: Cognac, Armagnac and Lourinhã. The quality of the land in the Centre has long been recognised internationally and new productions are born every year. So it's no surprise that this part of the country is known as our Burgundy, and is home to some of the best Portuguese wines.

With stunning landscapes that invite you to go for a drive, whether through the countryside or the city, there's nothing like hiring a car to explore the famous Dão Wine Route. Take your time, because the towns that await you will make you want to slow down and enjoy every kilometre of discovery. Start your journey in the lands of Viriato, in the city of Viseu. Discover the city's architecture, visit the Grão Vasco National Museum and have dinner with the family on one of the terraces in the historic centre.

Go up to Portugal's highest city, Guarda, where the best flavours of the mountains await you, such as cheeses and sausages, to accompany a tasting of the best Portuguese wines. Gouveia, Mangualde and Seia are just some of the other big names you'll come across along the way. Take the opportunity to make a diversion to Sortelha or Covilhã and lose yourself in the tranquillity that only the Serra da Estrela can offer.

Very close to the city of students, Coimbra, the last point on this route has long been a destination to get to know, feel and remember. From Santa Comba Dão to Mortágua, nature invites you to discover the curves that cut through the mountains and hide the vineyards.

The Setúbal Peninsula

Beaches with paradisiacal blue water, mountains where the green contrasts with the sand, history lost among the mountains and some of the best Portuguese wines making the region even more famous. The proximity to the sea makes Setubal's gastronomy something to behold. And there's nothing like taking the opportunity to taste the local wines while enjoying the tranquillity of its landscapes on a weekend with family or friends. 

The Serra da Arrábida invites you to take a drive to discover some of the most fabulous beaches, but also the beautiful Convent of Nossa Senhora da Arrábida. Find the well-known viewpoint of Portinho da Arrábida. Very close to Setúbal, you'll find Palmela, where its wines have long been recognised. Visit the beautiful castle, from where you can see the Sado estuary, the Troia Peninsula, the Tagus and the Lisbon coast.  

Take the opportunity to have fun at the Harvest Festival, where crowds take to the streets to dance and taste some of the best Portuguese wines.  Enjoy the peace and quiet of the region, which offers an escape from the hectic life of the capital so close by. 

Couple relaxing, drinking wine on sunny balcony

Guerin guides you to the route of the best Portuguese wines 

Guerin is the perfect way to get to the routes that showcase some of the best Portuguese wines. Because the regions that give rise to this nectar of the gods are worth discovering and offer various experiences for those who like to enjoy an explosion of flavours and for those who just prefer to learn about the history of our grape varieties. Because if you drive you shouldn't drink, you can make your car rental even more comfortable by including an additional driver in your booking. This way, whenever you want to taste all the flavours that await you, you can always pass the wheel and travel in complete safety. 

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